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Shall provide Fire/EMS protection and fire suppression to the Alexandria Fire District to the level of training which has been received by its members and to the level of the equipment provided,

Shall provide a fire prevention and inspection program to the extent that is practical and to the best of its ability,

Shall provide basic technical assistance and/or a rescue program comparable to the training and ability of the members and to the extent that the equipment permits,

Shall assist the Fire District in a manner required to the extent that is practical and feasible within the Alexandria Fire District’s Policies, Standard Operating Procedures, or Standard Operating Guidelines,

Shall assist neighboring Fire Departments with mutual aid to the extent the Alexandria Fire District is adequately protected,

Shall obtain the latest in training and fire fighting techniques to the best of its ability and within the budget provided by the Fire District’s Board of Directors and practical allowances,

Shall be fiscally responsible with the Fire District’s financial assistance provided and the equipment owned by the Fire District,

Shall maintain a Fire/EMS Department that the Fire District can be proud of and to strive to bring no dishonor upon the Alexandria Fire District or the Fire District served by its members.


Campbell Fire/Rescue will continue to strive for excellence through innovation, efficiency, education, and teamwork


The Alexandria Fire District’s core values of honesty, integrity, trust, compassion, courage, and professionalism provide the foundation for our success. This is achieved through dedication, pride, competence, and excellent service.


©Campbell Fire/Rescue

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